Source code for tsaug._augmenter.dropout

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from .base import _Augmenter, _default_seed

[docs]class Dropout(_Augmenter): """ Dropout values of some random time points in time series. Single time points or sub-sequences could be dropped out. Parameters ---------- p : float, tuple, or list, optional Probablity of the value of a time point to be dropped out. - If float, all series (all channels if `per_channel` is True) have the same probability. - If list, a series (a channel if `per_channel` is True) has a probability sampled from this list randomly. - If 2-tuple, a series (a channel if `per_channel` is True) has a probability sampled from this interval randomly. Default: 0.05. size : int, tuple, or list, optional Size of dropped out units. - If int, all dropped out units have the same size. - If list, a dropped out unit has size sampled from this list randomly. - If 2-tuple, a dropped out unit has size sampled from this interval randomly. Note that dropped out units could overlap which results in larger units effectively, though the probability is low if `p` is small. Default: 1. fill : str or float, optional How a dropped out value is filled. - If 'ffill', fill with the last previous value that is not dropped. - If 'bfill', fill with the first next value that is not dropped. - If 'mean', fill with the mean value of this channel in this series. - If float, fill with this value. Default: 'ffill'. per_channel : bool, optional Whether to sample dropout units independently for each channel in a time series or to use the same dropout units for all channels in a time series. Default: False. repeats : int, optional The number of times a series is augmented. If greater than one, a series will be augmented so many times independently. This parameter can also be set by operator `*`. Default: 1. prob : float, optional The probability of a series is augmented. It must be in (0.0, 1.0]. This parameter can also be set by operator `@`. Default: 1.0. seed : int, optional The random seed. Default: None. """ def __init__( self, p: Union[float, Tuple[float, float], List[float]] = 0.05, size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], List[int]] = 1, fill: Union[str, float] = "ffill", per_channel: bool = False, repeats: int = 1, prob: float = 1.0, seed: Optional[int] = _default_seed, ): self.p = p self.size = size self.fill = fill self.per_channel = per_channel super().__init__(repeats=repeats, prob=prob, seed=seed) @classmethod def _get_param_name(cls) -> Tuple[str, ...]: return ("p", "size", "fill", "per_channel") @property def p(self) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, float], List[float]]: return self._p @p.setter def p(self, n: Union[float, Tuple[float, float], List[float]]) -> None: P_ERROR_MSG = ( "Parameter `p` must be a non-negative number, " "a 2-tuple of non-negative numbers representing an interval, " "or a list of non-negative numbers." ) if not isinstance(n, (float, int)): if isinstance(n, list): if len(n) == 0: raise ValueError(P_ERROR_MSG) if not all([isinstance(nn, (float, int)) for nn in n]): raise TypeError(P_ERROR_MSG) if not all([(nn >= 0.0) and (nn <= 1.0) for nn in n]): raise ValueError(P_ERROR_MSG) elif isinstance(n, tuple): if len(n) != 2: raise ValueError(P_ERROR_MSG) if (not isinstance(n[0], (float, int))) or ( not isinstance(n[1], (float, int)) ): raise TypeError(P_ERROR_MSG) if n[0] > n[1]: raise ValueError(P_ERROR_MSG) if ( (n[0] < 0.0) or (n[0] > 1.0) or (n[1] < 0.0) or (n[1] > 1.0) ): raise ValueError(P_ERROR_MSG) else: raise TypeError(P_ERROR_MSG) elif (n < 0.0) or (n > 1.0): raise ValueError(P_ERROR_MSG) self._p = n @property def size(self) -> Union[int, Tuple[int, int], List[int]]: return self._size @size.setter def size(self, n: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], List[int]]) -> None: SIZE_ERROR_MSG = ( "Parameter `size` must be a positive integer, " "a 2-tuple of positive integers representing an interval, " "or a list of positive integers." ) if not isinstance(n, int): if isinstance(n, list): if len(n) == 0: raise ValueError(SIZE_ERROR_MSG) if not all([isinstance(nn, int) for nn in n]): raise TypeError(SIZE_ERROR_MSG) if not all([nn > 0 for nn in n]): raise ValueError(SIZE_ERROR_MSG) elif isinstance(n, tuple): if len(n) != 2: raise ValueError(SIZE_ERROR_MSG) if (not isinstance(n[0], int)) or (not isinstance(n[1], int)): raise TypeError(SIZE_ERROR_MSG) if n[0] >= n[1]: raise ValueError(SIZE_ERROR_MSG) if (n[0] <= 0) or (n[1] <= 0): raise ValueError(SIZE_ERROR_MSG) else: raise TypeError(SIZE_ERROR_MSG) elif n <= 0: raise ValueError(SIZE_ERROR_MSG) self._size = n @property def fill(self) -> Union[str, float]: return self._fill @fill.setter def fill(self, f: Union[str, float]) -> None: FILL_ERROR_MSG = ( "Paramter `fill` must be a number or one of 'ffill', 'bfill', and " "'mean'." ) if isinstance(f, str): if f not in ("ffill", "bfill", "mean"): raise ValueError(FILL_ERROR_MSG) elif not isinstance(f, (int, float)): raise TypeError(FILL_ERROR_MSG) self._fill = f @property def per_channel(self) -> bool: return self._per_channel @per_channel.setter def per_channel(self, p: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(p, bool): raise TypeError("Paremeter `per_channel` must be boolean.") self._per_channel = p def _augment_core( self, X: np.ndarray, Y: Optional[np.ndarray] ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]: rand = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) N, T, C = X.shape if isinstance(self.size, int): size = [self.size] elif isinstance(self.size, tuple): size = list(range(self.size[0], self.size[1])) else: size = self.size if isinstance(self.p, (float, int)): p = np.ones(N * C if self.per_channel else N) * self.p elif isinstance(self.p, tuple): p = rand.uniform( low=self.p[0], high=self.p[1], size=(N * C if self.per_channel else N), ) else: p = rand.choice(self.p, size=(N * C if self.per_channel else N)) X_aug = X.copy() X_aug = X_aug.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape(N * C, T) if isinstance(self.fill, str) and (self.fill == "mean"): fill_value = X_aug.mean(axis=1) for s in size: # sample dropout blocks if self.per_channel: drop = ( rand.uniform(size=(N * C, T - s)) <= p.reshape(-1, 1) / len(size) / s ) else: drop = ( rand.uniform(size=(N, T - s)) <= p.reshape(-1, 1) / len(size) / s ) drop = np.repeat(drop, C, axis=0) ind = np.argwhere(drop) # position of dropout blocks if ind.size > 0: if isinstance(self.fill, str) and (self.fill == "ffill"): i = np.repeat(ind[:, 0], s) j0 = np.repeat(ind[:, 1], s) j1 = j0 + np.tile(np.arange(1, s + 1), len(ind)) X_aug[i, j1] = X_aug[i, j0] elif isinstance(self.fill, str) and (self.fill == "bfill"): i = np.repeat(ind[:, 0], s) j0 = np.repeat(ind[:, 1], s) + s j1 = j0 - np.tile(np.arange(1, s + 1), len(ind)) X_aug[i, j1] = X_aug[i, j0] elif isinstance(self.fill, str) and (self.fill == "mean"): i = np.repeat(ind[:, 0], s) j = np.repeat(ind[:, 1], s) + np.tile( np.arange(1, s + 1), len(ind) ) X_aug[i, j] = fill_value[i] else: i = np.repeat(ind[:, 0], s) j = np.repeat(ind[:, 1], s) + np.tile( np.arange(1, s + 1), len(ind) ) X_aug[i, j] = self.fill X_aug = X_aug.reshape(N, C, T).swapaxes(1, 2) if Y is not None: Y_aug = Y.copy() else: Y_aug = None return X_aug, Y_aug