from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from .base import _Augmenter, _default_seed
[docs]class Drift(_Augmenter):
Drift the value of time series.
The augmenter drifts the value of time series from its original values
randomly and smoothly. The extent of drifting is controlled by the maximal
drift and the number of drift points.
max_drift : float or tuple, optional
The maximal amount of drift added to a time series.
- If float, all series (all channels if `per_channel` is True) are
drifted with the same maximum.
- If tuple, the maximal drift added to a time series (a channel if
`per_channel` is True) is sampled from this interval randomly.
Default: 0.5.
n_drift_points : int or list, optional
The number of time points a new drifting trend is defined in a series.
- If int, all series (all channels if `per_channel` is True) have the
same number of drift points.
- If list, the number of drift points defined in a series (a channel if
`per_channel` is True) is sampled from this list randomly.
kind : str, optional
How the noise is added to the original time series. It must be either
'additive' or 'multiplicative'. Default: 'additive'.
per_channel : bool, optional
Whether to sample independent drifting trends for each channel in a time
series or to use the same drifting trends for all channels in a time
series. Default: True.
normalize : bool, optional
Whether the drifting trend is added to the normalized time series. If
True, each channel of a time series is normalized to [0, 1] first.
Default: True.
repeats : int, optional
The number of times a series is augmented. If greater than one, a series
will be augmented so many times independently. This parameter can also
be set by operator `*`. Default: 1.
prob : float, optional
The probability of a series is augmented. It must be in (0.0, 1.0]. This
parameter can also be set by operator `@`. Default: 1.0.
seed : int, optional
The random seed. Default: None.
def __init__(
max_drift: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] = 0.5,
n_drift_points: Union[int, List[int]] = 3,
kind: str = "additive",
per_channel: bool = True,
normalize: bool = True,
repeats: int = 1,
prob: float = 1.0,
seed: Optional[int] = _default_seed,
self.max_drift = max_drift
self.n_drift_points = n_drift_points
self.kind = kind
self.per_channel = per_channel
self.normalize = normalize
super().__init__(repeats=repeats, prob=prob, seed=seed)
def _get_param_name(cls) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
return (
def max_drift(self) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]:
return self._max_drift
def max_drift(self, v: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]) -> None:
"Parameter `max_drift` must be a non-negative number "
"or a 2-tuple of non-negative numbers representing an interval. "
if not isinstance(v, (float, int)):
if isinstance(v, tuple):
if len(v) != 2:
raise ValueError(MAX_DRIFT_ERROR_MSG)
if (not isinstance(v[0], (float, int))) or (
not isinstance(v[1], (float, int))
raise TypeError(MAX_DRIFT_ERROR_MSG)
if v[0] > v[1]:
raise ValueError(MAX_DRIFT_ERROR_MSG)
if (v[0] < 0.0) or (v[1] < 0.0):
raise ValueError(MAX_DRIFT_ERROR_MSG)
raise TypeError(MAX_DRIFT_ERROR_MSG)
elif v < 0.0:
raise ValueError(MAX_DRIFT_ERROR_MSG)
self._max_drift = v
def n_drift_points(self) -> Union[int, List[int]]:
return self._n_drift_points
def n_drift_points(self, n: Union[int, List[int]]) -> None:
"Parameter `n_drift_points` must be a positive integer "
"or a list of positive integers."
if not isinstance(n, int):
if isinstance(n, list):
if len(n) == 0:
if not all([isinstance(nn, int) for nn in n]):
if not all([nn > 0 for nn in n]):
elif n <= 0:
self._n_drift_points = n
def per_channel(self) -> bool:
return self._per_channel
def per_channel(self, p: bool) -> None:
if not isinstance(p, bool):
raise TypeError("Paremeter `per_channel` must be boolean.")
self._per_channel = p
def normalize(self) -> bool:
return self._normalize
def normalize(self, p: bool) -> None:
if not isinstance(p, bool):
raise TypeError("Paremeter `normalize` must be boolean.")
self._normalize = p
def kind(self) -> str:
return self._kind
def kind(self, k: str) -> None:
if not isinstance(k, str):
raise TypeError(
"Parameter `kind` must be either 'additive' or 'multiplicative'."
if k not in ("additive", "multiplicative"):
raise ValueError(
"Parameter `kind` must be either 'additive' or 'multiplicative'."
self._kind = k
def _augment_core(
self, X: np.ndarray, Y: Optional[np.ndarray]
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]]:
N, T, C = X.shape
rand = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)
if isinstance(self.n_drift_points, int):
n_drift_points = set([self.n_drift_points])
n_drift_points = set(self.n_drift_points)
ind = rand.choice(
len(n_drift_points), N * (C if self.per_channel else 1)
) # map series to n_drift_points
drift = np.zeros((N * (C if self.per_channel else 1), T))
for i, n in enumerate(n_drift_points):
if not (ind == i).any():
anchors = np.cumsum(
rand.normal(size=((ind == i).sum(), n + 2)), axis=1
) # type: np.ndarray
interpFuncs = CubicSpline(
np.linspace(0, T, n + 2), anchors, axis=1
) # type: Callable
drift[ind == i, :] = interpFuncs(np.arange(T))
drift = drift.reshape((N, -1, T)).swapaxes(1, 2)
drift = drift - drift[:, 0, :].reshape(N, 1, -1)
drift = drift / abs(drift).max(axis=1, keepdims=True)
if isinstance(self.max_drift, (float, int)):
drift = drift * self.max_drift
drift = drift * rand.uniform(
size=(N, 1, C if self.per_channel else 1),
if self.kind == "additive":
if self.normalize:
X_aug = X + drift * (
X.max(axis=1, keepdims=True) - X.min(axis=1, keepdims=True)
X_aug = X + drift
X_aug = X * (1 + drift)
if Y is not None:
Y_aug = Y.copy()
Y_aug = None
return X_aug, Y_aug